Maanpuolustus in English
For our international audience
All articles for Maanpuolustus magazine (National Defence) published in English are collected here.

A rocky road lies ahead for transatlantic defense
Leo Michel
With Donald Trump back in the White House, will the United States be a credible, capable, and trustworthy ally?

Why Indo-Pacific security matters to Finland
Rory Medcalf
The future of the world will be decided here.

Defining cognitive security in democracies
Maxime Lebrun
It is important to define a concept of cognitive security for democratic resilience.

Adaptation for resilience and security under a changing climate
Timothy Carter
Climate change can impact different aspects of human security.

Divides among Russian Speakers in Finland
Margarita Zavadskaya
Finland accommodates a substantial Russian-speaking populace.

Russia’s Mental Borders
Keir Giles
Russia still believes that the small states around its periphery should by rights be governed from Moscow